College Preparation Academy Summer– Phicol Williams Site
This grant is funded by the Children’s’ Trust of Miami Dade County. The City of Homestead College Preparation Academy is a partnership between the City of Homestead, Homestead Police Athletic League, Homestead Police Explorers and Project Start Off Smart (SOS) The eight (8) week summer program prepares the youth and their families for what to expect during the college application, admission and acceptance process. Activities include individual and family assessments with support services provided to the youth and their family in areas that are identified as a concern. This may include collaborating with other agencies to provide the supportive services in the home or at the program site. Each youth’s academic history is reviewed, and remediation is provided in areas that are deficient. Upon program completion, each youth will have a portfolio that includes mock college applications, essays, financial aid application and a resume. Youth also participate in a college tour, visiting various universities throughout the state. At the end of the tour, the youth will visit Sea World, not only as an incentive for the excellent work that they have accomplished over the summer, but to learn about marine biology and the impact that marine life has on our planet. This ties into their beach clean ups as service learning projects that continue throughout the year. This year we served 57 students through this program.
The Safe Families Partnership Network (SFPN)
The Safe Families Partnership Network (SFPN) provides care coordination to children and families who are victims of violence. Other risk factors include child abuse or neglect, child chronic absenteeism, and child disruptive behaviors. The referrals are accepted from Law Enforcement, Miami-Dade County Public Schools, DCF, Court system, and self-referrals (walk-ins).
Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Assistance Grants
The federal VOCA assistance grant program offers funding to local community providers for use in responding to the emotional and physical needs of crime victims, assisting victims in stabilizing their lives after their victimization, helping victims to understand and participate in the criminal justice system, and providing victims with a measure of safety and security.
HPD Group Violence Intervention (GVI)
The Homestead Police Department Group Violence Intervention model is a part of a national program that seeks to decrease gun related deaths. The GVI is designed to reduce gun related homicide, targeting group or gang-involved individuals at high risk of violence and retaliation instances.
Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)
The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) provides federal leadership in developing the national capacity to reduce violence against women and administer justice for and strengthen services to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
Educational Civic Engagement Projects
The Ocean Reef Community Foundation (ORCF) has provided SOS a grant in order to work in collaboration with the Homestead Police Department community policing unit to conduct educational civic engagement projects. It takes law enforcement and residents working together in order to improve the quality of life for all through a reduction of crime and disorder. SOS has joined with the Homestead Police Department in a communitywide “See Something, Say Something” campaign.